Digicon HRMS - Technical Documentation
Digicon HRMS is a comprehensive Human Resource Management System designed to efficiently manage and streamline your organization's HR processes. It stands as a powerful and flexible tool, offering support for every facet of your HR operations. By automating diverse processes and providing intuitive interfaces, it empowers both administrators and employees to streamline their workflows and concentrate on strategic initiatives.
*For credentials and inquiries, please contact the authors.
Technologies Used:
The "Digicon HRMS" project utilizes a combination of front-end, back-end, and database technologies to deliver its functionalities effectively. These include:
Front-end Technologies:
Next.js: React framework for SSR, SSG, and routing, enhancing React app performance and development simplicity.
- Ant Design: React UI library offering customizable UI components for a visually appealing and consistent HR management website interface.
- Redux: Predictable state container for managing application state and facilitating data flow between React components.
TypeScript: Superset of JavaScript with static typing, enhancing code readability, maintainability, and scalability for the HR management website front end.
Back-end Technologies:
- Laravel: PHP framework for building robust back-end APIs with MVC architecture.
- PHP: Server-side scripting language for dynamic content generation and database interaction.
- PostgreSQL: Advanced open-source relational database for storing HR-related data.
PostGIS: PostgreSQL extension for handling geographic objects and spatial data analysis.
Additional Technologies:
Git: Version control system for tracking changes to the project codebase, facilitating collaboration among developers and ensuring code integrity.
- Docker: Containerization platform ensuring consistency and scalability in deployment.
- NGINX: Web server and reverse proxy server for handling incoming HTTP requests, load balancing, and serving static content, improving performance and reliability.
- Sentry: Application monitoring and error tracking tool to identify and address bugs and performance issues in the HRMS codebase.
- Hotjar: User behavior analytics tool to understand how users interact with the HRMS website, identify potential usability problems, and optimize the user experience.
- Recruitment Management: Streamline your hiring process and get the right talent onboard.
- Personnel Management: Keep track of all employee information in one place.
- Office Transport System: Manage your office commute efficiently.
- Role and Permission Management: Control access to sensitive information and tasks.
- Multiple Type Attendance Supports: Track and manage employee attendance in various forms.
- Payroll Processing: Simplify your payroll with automated calculations and compliance.
User and Admin Roles
User Role
A user in our system has access to the following features:
- Attendance: Users can check their own attendance records.
- Leave Request: Users can request for leaves.
- Expense: Users can submit their expenses for approval.
- Exception Approval: Users can request for exception approvals.
- Resign: Users can submit their resignation.
- Office Transport: Users can request for office transport.
- Announcement: Users can view announcements.
Users can only view and manage their own information. The user role does not depend on any specific roles and permissions.
Admin Role
An admin user has more privileges and their work procedure depends on roles and permissions. They can perform all the actions a user can, for themselves and for others. This includes:
- Posting requests for themselves.
- Taking action on requests from other users.
The specific actions an admin can perform depends on their assigned roles and permissions.
Dashboard Overview
The Dashboard provides a quick overview of key metrics and details. It consists of two types of information: counts and details.
For example, the total number of employees is displayed. When you click on the 'Total Employees' card, a popup will open displaying details of these employees.
The Dashboard includes the following metrics:
- Total Employees: Displays the total number of employees. Clicking on this will open a popup with the details of all employees.
- Total Male: Displays the total number of male employees.
- Total Female: Displays the total number of female employees.
- Total Processes: Displays the total number of processes.
- Formal Employees: Displays the number of formal employees.
- Total Present: Displays the total number of employees who are present.
- Total Late: Displays the total number of employees who are late.
- Total On Time: Displays the total number of employees who are on time.
- Total Absent: Displays the total number of employees who are absent.
- Chart Section: This section provides a visual representation of employee attendance metrics. It includes:
- On Time: Shows the number of employees who arrived on time.
- Late: Shows the number of employees who were late.
- Absent: Shows the number of employees who were absent.
- Leave: Shows the number of employees who were on leave.
- WFH (Work From Home): Shows the number of employees who were working from home.
The values for Total Employees, Total Male, Total Female, Total Processes, and Formal Employees do not depend on any filters. However, the values for other metrics on the Dashboard will depend on the applied filters.
Only users with the Admin role can access the Dashboard Overview section.
Dive into the attendance details with two submenus:
Daily Attendance: Get a day-to-day breakdown of attendance. Use filters like date, designation, process, branch, or search by name and DG ID. The table showcases attendance status (Device, Biometric, System) and attendance time. For System attendance, only working hours are displayed. Device attendance data also includes check-in and check-out locations.
Monthly Attendance: This view provides a day-by-day breakdown of attendance for the current month. If there are multiple types of attendance data (Device, Biometric, System), they are displayed serially for each day.
The Announcement section serves as a communication hub:
- For Employees: Employees can post announcements and view only their own notifications in the table.
- For Admins: Admins have the ability to post announcements for all users and can view all users' announcements in the table.
Add Employee
This section allows you to add employees individually or in bulk.
Current Employee
This section lists all current employees. You can apply filters to this list and even export the entire list with all details. In this section, you can update employee details or remove an employee from the current list. Note that removing an employee here doesn't permanently delete them, but moves them to the 'Formal Employee' list.
Formal Employee
This section lists all employees who have been removed from the 'Current Employee' list. You can view these employees and even restore them back to the 'Current Employee' list if needed.
Please note, some metrics on the Dashboard may vary based on the filters applied.