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Barikoi Admin - Technical Documentation


Barikoi-Admin is a web-based platform that allows Barikoi Admins to manage other users API keys and monitor their usage. It also provides a manage places data feature that allows admins to add, edit, and delete places data.


*For any credentials please contact the Author.

Tech Stack

Server: Redis, PHP, Laravel, PostgreSQL, Kafka, MongoDB, Prometheus, Grafana, Tile38


  • CRUD Place: Create, Read, Update, and Delete places data.
  • Update Admin Level Data: Update admin level data like District, Sub-district, etc.
  • Manage user: Manage user API keys and monitor their usage.
  • Role and Permission Management: Control access to sensitive information and tasks.
  • Billings: Manage billing information and generate invoices.

Used By

This project is used by the following services or companies:

  • Business, Admins, and Developers who use Barikoi API services.